September 2–6, 2024
Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica (France)
The yearly Cargese workshop aims to bring together researchers in combinatorial optimization around a chosen topic of current interest. It is intended to be a forum for the exchange of recent developments and powerful tools, with an emphasis on theory. Other goals include the promotion of interactions between participants and discussions of open problems.
Mathematicians are known to be the only ones that can lay down in a sofa, close their eyes and pretend to work.
We propose to swap the sofa for a hammock... Do you want to join?
This edition's workshop will focus on "Sampling and Counting".
The workshop will be hosted by L'Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC). This year's organizers are:
The organizers receive advise from the steering commitee, consisting of Fritz Eisenbrand, Michel Goemans, Monique Laurent, R. Ravi, and Jens Vygen.
There will be morning and afternoon sessions. Morning sessions will be dedicated to longer survey-type talks or open problems. The afternoon sessions will be dedicated to discussions as well as shorter talks on related topics.
In their spare time, we encourage researchers to enjoy the beautiful landscape and opportunities of the island, besides solving a few open problems.
A detailed schedule is available here.
A list of all previous editions can be found here.
Logo designed by Giuseppe Musolino. Website hosted at GitHub Pages. Layout based on skeleton using AmatiSC font.